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Standards can help

Standards are of increasing importance for the industry. Standards are useful in many aspects, especially with regard to the implementation of the Circular Economy Package. At present, a whole series of standardisation projects in the field of "Plastics and Environment" are in progress or planned. It is therefore important to be represented in the relevant national, European and international committees. The BKV is actively involved in some of these for the plastics industry.


“Environmental Aspects”

At European level, BKV project manager Stephanie Cieplik is involved as deputy chairwoman in the working group CEN/TC 249/WG 24 "Environmental Aspects". The tasks of the committee are strategic aspects and the coordination of all standardisation activities in the field of plastics and environment. The focus is mainly, but not exclusively, on bio-based plastics, biodegradability, ecological footprint, circular economy and resource efficiency, micro- and macroplastics in the environment, recycling and waste management. Currently, a vocabulary in the field of plastics and the environment is also being created.


“Plastics and Environmental Aspects”

At the German level, Stephanie Cieplik also chairs the DIN NA 054-03-01 AA "Kunststoff und Umweltaspekte" committee. This committee develops standards for environmental aspects, for the minimisation of undesirable inputs of micro- and macroplastics into the environment and the measures necessary for this purpose as well as the procedures for sampling, sample preparation and analysis. The NA 054-03-01 AA reflects the standards and projects of, for example, Working Group 24 "Environmental Aspects" of the European Technical Committee CEN/TC 249 "Plastics", which have to be adopted as DIN-EN standards into the German framework for standards, as well as the standards and projects of ISO/TC 61 "Plastics" for the field of environmental aspects. In NA 054-03-01 AA the German opinion on European and international standardisation topics in the area of responsibility is discussed and the German statement on according European and international draft standards is formulated. In addition, it is responsible for the development of proposals for European and international standardisation work and the appointment of German experts for the above-mentioned working groups.


In addition, the BKV provides a service platform for all standardisation activities of the industry. It already coordinates the work of an accompanying team that was set up to coordinate all activities.