The Central Agency Packaging Register (ZSVR) has published the revised minimum standard for the recyclability of packaging.

As Euwid reports, the ZSVR, in agreement with the Federal Environment Agency, has amended some passages of the minimum standards for assessing the recyclability of packaging. New, for example, is an obligation to provide evidence for fibre-based composite packaging that is considered to have poor recyclability. For such packaging, with the exception of liquid cartons, their recyclability must now be proven, as well as for paper packaging for liquid or pasty contents. Other changes concern glass bottles with nets and baskets or the influence of product residues on recyclability. According to the ZSVR, three standard criteria have proven themselves in the minimum standard, Euwid reports: the recycling infrastructure, the sortability and separability of packaging and recycling incompatibilities are to be examined and taken into account.
- (1.9.2022).
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