Proof of "recyclability" for the data pool
Manufacturers can document the recyclability of product packaging in a standardised way via electronic data exchange in the "Global Data Synchronisation Network" (GDSN).
The Forum Rezyklat informs that for more transparency and to prove the recyclability of their product packaging in the network of international data pools (GDSN), a data attribute "recyclability" is now also available to distributors. According to the Forum Rezyklat, the experts in the "Digitisation" technical package have defined the necessary content in advance and standardised it via the responsible committees. According to Forum Rezyklat, recyclable packaging is packaging that can be mechanically recycled after separate collection and waste treatment. The basis for the assessment of recyclability is the minimum standard for the assessment of recyclability of packaging subject to system participation according to § 21 para. 3 VerpackG of the Central Packaging Register (ZSVR). The aim of the "Digitisation" technical package is to facilitate master data management by creating a nationally and internationally uniform, automatically processable data basis for sustainability-relevant packaging information. According to Forum Rezyklat, the data attribute "recyclability", together with the already existing attribute "recyclate", provides companies with the necessary set of data fields in the GDSN to uniformly communicate the recyclability of their packaging to all partners as part of the product data. According to the Forum Rezyklat, recycled content and recyclability not only document the reusability and recyclability of yoghurt pots, shampoo bottles and other product packaging, they are also relevant information for customers, consumers, dual systems and the ZSVR. How companies can correctly provide the data for the GDSN is described in a free guide using the example of a tube in a folding box (combination packaging), according to Forum Rezyklat. The guide is intended to serve as a basis for master data maintenance with regard to the recyclability of product packaging in the GDSN data pool. Existing evidence, for example in the form of a certificate, of product-related recyclability could also be optionally uploaded by companies in the GDSN via the attribute "M378".
Further information: (in German)
- Pressrelease Forum Rezyklat, (August 14, 2023)
- Photo: Fotolia