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EKO-PUNKT: "Insurance against a shortage of recyclate"

Yellow plastic recyclate pellets in a glass container.

The dual system EKO-PUNKT offers a contractually secured supply of quantities together with licensing.

In view of the targets set out in the EU Packaging Regulation, EKO-PUNKT, Remondis' dual system, points to the growing demand for plastic recyclates. According to a Conversio study, the use of post-consumer recyclates in Germany should almost quadruple by 2030. With this in mind, EKO-PUNKT has developed the "Circular Contracting" model. The concept combines the statutory licensing obligation with the contractual assurance of the supply of high-quality post-consumer recyclates. Companies that licence their packaging from EKO-PUNKT are to receive a volume equivalent of recyclates in return in order to be able to replace the primary raw materials they previously used. As a subsidiary of the Remondis Group, EKO-PUNKT says to have access to the input material required for the production of recyclates. Some companies, such as the skincare brand Bübchen, are already using the model, according to EKO-PUNKT. "We offer the complete service, including a guaranteed, long-term supply of post-consumer recyclates," explains Stefan Munz, Head of Innovation and Sustainability at EKO-PUNKT.

  • EKO-PUNKT press release (14 February 2024)
  • Remondis press release (19 February 2024)
  • Photo: © fuenf6, Joachim Stretz

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