The mandatory deposit on non-refillable plastic bottles will be extended to juices and nectars on January 1, 2022. Eckes-Granini Germany expressly welcomes this amendment to the Packaging Act as a long overdue step on the road to closed cycles and more sustainable packaging solutions. Managing Director Kay Fischer says, "As a company, we are actively committed to sustainability and have also made a strong case for the juice pledge." The company says it plans to gradually convert its brands and made a start with "FruchtTiger" on July 19. The Granini brand is to follow in August and hohes C from September. Consumers will be informed of the change with deposit notices on bottle labels, as well as signs and QR codes on shelves. According to Eckes-Granini, the juice deposit will bring an additional 45,000 tons of PET back into the food packaging recycling loop. As a result, more recycled PET (rPET) were basically available for the closed-loop recycling system. By the end of 2022, the beverage manufacturer also plans to use only PET bottles made from 100 percent rPET for all its German brands. Eckes-Granini is reportedly producing its hohes C brand bottles from 100 percent rPET as early as 2021.
- rundschau.de (02.08.2021)
- Photo: © Eckes-Granini