ZSVR introduces new minimum standard for recyclability
For the second time, the retail companies are offering household products that come from their own recycling loop.
According to the Central Packaging Register Foundation (ZSVR), the new minimum standard for assessing the recyclability of packaging in the third 2021 edition, which has been coordinated with the BMU as usual, specifies some content and has become more user-friendly. Individual proofs for the concrete recycling of new packaging solutions would be clarified by means of examples. Even users without in-depth packaging expertise could apply the minimum standard to evaluate their packaging without prior knowledge. The basic structure for evaluating the recyclability of packaging with three standard criteria has been retained, is said. Commenting on the publication of the new minimum standard, Gunda Rachut, ZSVR board member, said, "The groundwork has been completed. The application of the minimum standard in practice is simple, user-friendly and established. In the spirit of the basic idea of the circular economy, packaging is a valuable resource. However, the circular economy thrives on every design thinking about subsequent value creation. The minimum standard demonstrates this. After the third edition of the minimum standard, it should now be clear to all manufacturers at the latest what needs to be done." In the case of packaging innovations, companies could now also provide single evidence to confirm the actual recycling of their packaging, as illustrated by two specific practical examples. If recycling capacities were proven, the packaging could also be classified as suitable for recycling.