ZSVR: Distributors must pay for fund and license fees

The authority clarifies that the obligation for the fund does not affect the obligation to participate in a system.
Since January 1, 2025, manufacturers of certain single-use plastic products such as to-go food packaging, beverage containers and cups, drinking straws and balloons have been required to participate in the Single-Use Plastic Fund DIVID, which is managed by the German Environment Agency (UBA). The Single-Use Plastics Fund Act (EWKFondsG), which implements European law, aims to reduce the environmental impact of single-use plastic products and packaging. The fund, introduced to expand producer responsibility, is to be used for the collection, cleaning, transport and treatment of this waste in public spaces. The obligation to participate in a dual system in accordance with the German Packaging Act (VerpackG) remains unaffected. According to a statement from the system operator BellandVision, the Central Packaging Registry (ZSVR) has now pointed out that manufacturers must both pay the single-use plastic levy and register their packaging with the dual system, and that these quantities may not be deducted when registering in the packaging registry. According to the ZSVR, it is not possible to offset these obligations under the law. Belland Vision explains that the obligation to participate in the system under the Verpackungsgesetz (Packaging Act) remains in full force because the majority of the packaging affected by the single-use fee ends up in the collection containers of the dual systems.
- Press release Belland Vision (23.1.2025)
- Photo: © Jasmin Sessler / Unsplash