The nature conservation organization wants to draw the attention of young people in particular to the issue with a virtual exhibition.
The WWF also wants to fight against the global pollution of waters by plastic waste in the virtual world. The exhibition space #OceanDetox, created together with the artist group "Savespecies," was opened in the so-called "Metaverse" for "World Cleanup Day" last Saturday, according to WWF. As a WWF spokesperson explained, the exhibition is also intended to support concrete environmental protection measures: "Users can move around the virtual parallel world created by the Savespecies artists to explore it in a playful way." A whale composed of 50 floating plastic waste objects is reportedly at the center of the exhibition, which can be visited on the Web at Visitors can buy the individual objects as digital art. According to WWF, the proceeds will be used to support the organization's work to combat the plastic tide in Vietnam, for example.
-, (Sep. 16, 2022)
- Photo: © Bertolt Jensen