UBA wants to strengthen plastics recycling in construction
According to a study by the UBA, there is still a lack of suitable specifications for the recycling and collection of waste.
According to figures from the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), the construction sector is the second-largest application area for plastics after packaging, with 2.6 million tons (in 2017). As UBA determined in a recent study, there was still a lack of suitable specifications for their recycling and detailed recording of quantities. To supplement specifications regarding durability, recyclability and use of recyclates, UBA therefore proposes construction-related product standards so that the quantities generated can be recycled to a high standard in the future. To this end, plastic waste from the construction and demolition sector should be better collected separately for recycling. Currently, they are often disposed of as mixed construction waste (waste code number 170904), is said. Plastic insulation materials should also be collected together with plastics (under waste code number 170203), according to UBA. UBA also wants to ensure the recycling of industry-specific packaging. Plastic packaging, it says, offers excellent conditions for the use of recycled material. UBA considers a recyclate use rate of 30 percent to be technically feasible and is in favor of establishing a corresponding recyclate use rate in the medium term.