Traceless Materials receives the prize in the Start-Up category for developing a bioplastic from grain waste.

Back in June, we reported on this Hamburg-based start-up founded by Dr Anne Lamp (pictured left) and Johanna Baare: Lamp, a process engineer, has developed a plastic that is not made from petroleum but from grain waste and can be used in many areas of consumer goods production. The granulate should be able to be processed like conventional plastic. The two founders have now won the German Founders' Prize 2022 in the start-up category. According to Lamp, demand for the material is very high. Lufthansa and Otto are among the first industrial customers of the 25-member Traceless Materials team. In a pilot plant in Buchholz near Hamburg, the material is currently being processed into catering packaging that is to be tested under real conditions on Lufthansa flights later this year. 40 other consumer goods manufacturers and about a dozen partners from the plastics industry are said to have already registered their interest.
The German Founders' Prize is an initiative of Stern, Sparkasse, ZDF and Porsche and was awarded this year for the 20th time in the categories Start-up, Up-and-Coming, Lifetime Achievement, Special Prize and Students.
- (14.9.2022)
- Photo: © Traceless Materials