Under the leadership of Dr. Gerold Breuer, EREMA, experts from the fields of circular economy, application and research will present and discuss circular economy online at the SKZ Innovation Day Circular Economy on June 29, 2021. Participants include Henkel, ALBA, Mr. Green Africa and PlasticsEurope Germany. With the one-day symposium, the organizers want to demonstrate the creativity in the plastics industry and the companies' willingness to implement, while also looking beyond their own horizons for new impulses and learning from other industries such as the paper industry. Thematically, the conference will focus on the areas of design for recycling, plastics recycling in developing countries, use of recyclates in practice, standardization, digital marketplaces and carbon footprint. The event will conclude with a public panel discussion. Speaking on the topic of "Plastic Planet: What does the future hold?" will be "Waste Collector" Mr. Green Africa, SKZ Institute Director Professor Martin Bastian, the Head of the Plastics and Packaging Department from the Federal Environment Agency, Dr. Ines Oehme, and the Chief Executive Officer of PlasticsEurope Germany, Ingemar Bühler.
- recyclingportal.eu (21.5.2021)
- skz.de
Photo: © skz.de