Romania introduces deposit return system
The RetuRO consortium launched a central deposit return system (DRS) for beverage packaging in November 2023.
Since then, all legal entities that fill, import or sell beverages in disposable containers have been obliged to participate in the system. The deposit is levied on plastic, glass and metal packaging with volumes of 0.1 to 3 liters and amounts to 0.5 Romanian lei (around 10 cents) per bottle. The system is reportedly operated by the RetuRO (Return Guarantee System) consortium, in which the Romanian brewers' association Berarii României and the soft drinks association ANBR each hold a 30 percent stake. The Romanian trade association AMRCR and the Romanian Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests each hold a 20 percent stake. The organization operates on a non-profit basis, meaning that the profits that RetuRO generates from the collection of beverage packaging are reinvested exclusively in the further development of the deposit return system. According to the operator, the new system uses a software solution from Sensoneo, a technology company based in Slovakia, and is expected to collect around seven billion beverage containers a year. Almost 80,000 collection points have been set up across the country for this purpose. The aim is, says Cristian Mihai, IT Director of RetuRO, to increase the collection and recycling rates of single-use drinks packaging in Romania.
- Kunststoff Information (Dec. 5, 2023)
- Photo: © Sesoneo