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Report "Plastics in the Environment"

The report published in April is now also available in English. It is a further development of the model "From Land to Sea", which has been repeatedly updated in the last few years because expert discussion is now also very much concerned with discharges into the environment and where they finally end up. The BKV will therefore again be updating the discharge pathways model "From Land to Sea" with new data this year.


The "From Land to Sea" model offers an analysis of the discharge sources and discharge pathways of plastic waste into three seas – the North Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea. The model is constantly fed with fresh data and findings, so that the information given in the report become increasingly valid. A new version of the model will therefore again be published this year and can, as usual, be ordered free of charge via the BKV website. The "Plastics in the Environment" report, which supplements the model and extends the study with an analysis of discharges into the soil and internal waterways, has now also been updated. Here, too, the same restriction applies as with the model: it examines only plastic discharges from the land – i.e. so-called land-sourced litter – and not discharges that are connected, for example, with fishing or shipping (sea-sourced litter).


The main benefit of the report is that it provides a first rough overview of the magnitude of the amount of plastic that remain in the terrestrial and aquatic environments. This can certainly be very useful as a basis for the discussion about potential and, above all, effective measures to avoid further discharges of plastics into the environment.


The report can, like the model and some special reports, also be ordered free of charge from the BKV:



Your contact for further information on this topic is Stephanie Cieplik (



  • BKV GmbH
  • Photo: © Pixabay

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