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RecyClass: Guide to better recyclability

The English-language "Design Book" aims to provide tips for developing recyclable packaging.

With the recently published "Design Book - a step-by-step guide to plastic packaging recyclability," the industry initiative RecyClass aims to provide information on aspects that should already be taken into account when designing dimensionally stable and flexible packaging so that it can be recycled at the end of its service life. According to RecyClass, the 42-page guide takes into account three parameters of plastic packaging: the type of polymer (PE-HD, polypropylene, PET, polystyrene, etc.), the shape of the packaging (containers, tubes, flexible packaging, trays, etc.) and its color ("transparent" or "colored"). A traffic light system is used to evaluate the suitability of the packaging for subsequent recycling. RecyClass says it has developed standards for evaluating the recyclability of packaging, which have been incorporated into the new "Design Book." The cross-industry initiative was launched by Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE), the European plastics recyclers association, in 2014. The initiative also assists processors in certifying plastic products, is said. According to RecyClass chairman Paolo Glerean, Design for Recycling is intended to lead not only to improved quality of recycled plastic, but also to greater acceptance of recyclates in new packaging applications.

For more information: to download the design book


  • Kunststoff Information (Aug. 11, 2022)
  • Image: © RecyClass

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