Prowindo: PVC recyclate use promoted without red tape
The association advocates cutting red tape and supporting recyclate-containing products in public procurement.
Against the background of deliberations of the German Bundestag on the subject of building materials recycling, the industry association Prowindo points to the advantages of plastic windows and advocates unbureaucratic promotion of the use of PVC recyclate. Modern plastic windows from PVC already saved energy and carbon dioxide in the use phase, in the cycle led their ecological balance improves again clearly, is said. The recycling of PVC building products such as windows, floor coverings, pipes, roofing membranes and cables has been common and proven practice in Germany and Europe for many decades, Prowindo emphasizes. PVC recyclate was used to manufacture new windows, pipes, flooring and other profiles, and today represented an important part of the raw material supply in the PVC industry. Almost 18 percent of the PVC processed in Germany is now obtained from recycling, according to Prowindo. In 2021 alone, a total of 340,000 tons of PVC recyclates were processed into semi-finished and finished products in Germany, is said. According to the association, the use of recyclates should be promoted and not hindered by restrictions in legislation or procurement. The environment would benefit from this, while at the same time the construction industry would be strengthened. Energy-efficient refurbishment is one of the key measures for achieving the EU climate targets, the association says. Framework conditions therefore needed to be created in this area that promote energy-efficient construction and renovation and provide unbureaucratic and rapid support for the construction industry and building owners.
- PM Prowindo (Feb. 7, 2023)
- Photo: Rewindo