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Project on recycled materials in technical applications

The joint project of the Kunststoffinstitut Lüdenscheid is to start in October.

The joint project "Recycling - Use of Recyclate for Technical Products" is intended to support companies in using recyclates in existing processes and products for technical applications. According to the Kunststoffinstitut Lüdenscheid, a practical and systematic approach for the use of technical recycled materials is to be developed using exemplary examples. The project content includes information on the applicable regulatory framework and on the use of recycled materials and their influence on the CO2 balance, as well as an overview of the recyclate market. Selected recyclates are also to be classified in terms of their quality in accordance with DIN SPEC 91446 and examined in combination with virgin materials with regard to their mechanical and rheological properties (flow characteristics). Another project focus is the introduction of marker technology for the individual labeling and storage of product information, which is to be considered against the background of the development of deposit systems for company-owned plastic products.

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  • (July 11, 2022)
  • Photo: © symbol image unsplash/Samuele Errico PIccarini

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