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Plastics processors discuss restriction of fluoropolymers in Brussels

The pro-K specialist group advocated for the exemption of fluoropolymers from the planned PFAS restriction in Brussels.

The fluoropolymer group in the pro-K industry association for long-lasting plastic products and reusable systems e. V. exchanged views with stakeholders at the EU level in Brussels to highlight the importance of fluoropolymers, which are included in the PFAS group of substances, for plastics processing and for industrial value chains in Germany and Europe, and to work towards a review of the EU regulation currently under discussion. The EU proposal to restrict per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) endangers innovation and competitiveness, pro-K stated in a press release. According to the information provided, processors of fluoropolymers and other industry representatives met with international and EU stakeholders in Brussels from November 5 to 6, organized by pro-K. Dr. Michael Schlipf, spokesperson for the fluoropolymer group in Brussels, explains: “The EU regulation currently under discussion is a worst-case scenario. The restriction proposal significantly underestimates the scope of use and the importance of fluoropolymers in key applications, especially in the processing industry. It will have drastic effects on Europe as a business location and threatens numerous innovative, healthy companies in the plastics processing industry if it comes as planned.” Fluoroplastics play an important role in the plastics processing industry, Schlipf pointed out. They are used for a variety of important technical components for the digital and green transformation, including semiconductors and batteries. At the meeting in Brussels, the pro-K representatives demanded that the ECHA and the European Commission promptly grant an exemption for the production of fluoropolymers, including the relevant raw materials, and their use in industrial applications.

  • Press release pro-K (8.11.2024)
  • Photo: © pro-K

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