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Plastics Europe: new corporate identity

Plastics Europe aligns logo and website more closely with sustainability brand core.


New visual identity and new website - with this, the pan-European association of plastics producers, Plastics Europe, wants to clarify its new brand core: Sustainability. The entire plastics industry, as well as the association, has been undergoing a transformation process for some time, which is to become visible with the renewed appearance. The industry sees its material as a key material for the innnovations needed to reduce CO₂ emissions in the fight against climate change. At the same time, the aim is to avoid plastic emissions into the environment. With this in mind, plastics producers are focusing on circular economy, making used plastic a resource and thus preventing waste in the first place. Launching the new look, Virginia Janssens, managing director of Plastics Europe, points to the evolution of the industry and the association: "We are tackling the waste problem by producing plastics in a low-carbon circular economy, improving their sustainable use and, in this new economic model, seeing plastics as a resource always and at all times." The association had recently announced investments of more than €7 billion in chemical recycling by European plastics producers by 2030. Markus Steilemann, president of Plastics Europe, emphasizes the association's catalytic role in the change process: "We will work actively with our partners in the value chain and with policy makers to accelerate the development of sustainable solutions and advocate for the necessary policy and regulatory environment to achieve this."


For more on the plastics producers' new identity and goals, visit the new Plastics Europe website at



  • Plastics Europe (10/25/2021)

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