According to the Nova Institute's Global Bio-based Polymers Market 2020 report, the annual growth rate of eight per cent CAGR (compound annual growth rate) is said to exceed the average growth of the entire polymer market (three to four per cent) for the first time. This trend is expected to continue until 2025. In 2020, the total production volume of bio-based polymers would have been 4.2 million tonnes, which would correspond to one percent of the total polymer production volume. Increased production capacities from 2019 to 2020 were recorded in particular in the production of polylactic acid (PLA) and polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT) in Asia and in the production of epoxy resins worldwide. The report also provides detailed information on growth by region, market segments, market developments and producers. The report "Bio-based Building Blocks and Polymers - Global Capacities, Production and Trends 2020 - 2025" is available for 3,000 euros. In addition, the Nova Institute invites to an online discussion of the market data on 17 February 2021: Nova Session "Renewable Polymers: Production and Trends 2020-2025".
Sources:- (3.2.2021)
- Photo: @ Fotolia / Fotoschlick