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Forum Rezyklat calls for uniform labeling of packaging

To promote the correct disposal of packaging and the circular economy, the Forum is calling for a uniform EU-wide logo system.

Consumers make a valuable contribution by correctly presorting yogurt pots, shampoo bottles and the like and carefully separating their components beforehand, the forum stresses. Some packaging already contains information on correct separation and disposal, but not always. Frequently the data on the packing are also very different and thus misunderstandable, it is said. According to a recent survey, 80 percent of Germans would like to see uniform separation information on packaging. The members of the Forum Rezyklat therefore want to ensure greater clarity here and propose that the EU Commission establish a uniform European system of separation labels on sales packaging. In the opinion of the Forum, such a system could be derived from the already functioning separation notices of the Trennhinweis e.V. association. These meet the important criteria of being "easy to understand, open to all manufacturers, practicable to implement, and transparent." The association's labels were already being printed by companies on packaging in the European domestic market and are thus already being used throughout Europe.


  • (Nov. 7, 2022)
  • Photo: © Duales System

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