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First PET recycling plant in Norway

Veolia opened a recycling plant for PET deposit bottles with a capacity of up to 25,000 tons in Fetsund on June 9.


This is the first PET recycling plant for Norway, and from now on more than 80 percent of the single-use PET deposit bottles produced in the country will be recycled there. For the company Veolia, it is already the fourth plant to produce food-grade PET pellets, according to its own information. In Fetsund, Infinitum, the operator of the Norwegian deposit non-refillable system, is reportedly providing pre-sorting in a plant at the same site as a partner.


As Norwegian Finance Minister Jan Tore Sanner explained at the opening, 92 percent of the 585 million PET beverage bottles sold are collected in his country. 22,000 tons have been exported to Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands for recycling so far, he said.



  •, (9.6.2021)
  • Photo: © Veolia

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