Parliamentarians call for state environmental subsidies also for plastics recyclers.
According to a report in Euwid, plastics recyclers are receiving support from the European Parliament when it comes to energy costs. While the Commission wants to remove recyclers from the list of industries eligible for aid, the Parliament has called for an expansion of state environmental and energy aid, according to Euwid. In the resolution adopted, Parliament called on the Commission, in light of the ambitions of the "Fit for 55" package, to include more rather than fewer industries in the 2022 guidelines for state aid for climate, environmental and energy protection, particularly for aid in the form of reductions in electricity charges for energy-intensive consumers. Parliament also insisted on grandfathering. According to Euwid, the Federal Association of the German Waste Management Industry (BDE) welcomes the vote and has taken this as an opportunity to write to the Vice President of the EU Commission Frans Timmermans, pointing out the massive disadvantage the industry would face if it were actually removed from the EEG compensation scheme. He said that the Commission should endorse the argumentation of the German government, which, in view of the competitive situation, had spoken out in favor of retaining the existing compensation scheme.
- Euwid Recycling und Entsorgung 44/2021 (11/3/2021)
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