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Circular economy also for plastic pipes

On October 5, 2023, at the annual conference of the KRV trade association of the plastic pipe industry, the creation of functioning material cycles will be one of the core topics.


Volker Rühle, chairman of the KRV, and KRV managing director Markus Hartmann will open the event, hosted at the Düsseldorf Marriott and moderated by Bettina Dempewolf, head of communications at Plastics Europe Deutschland (PED), the plastics manufacturers' association. In his welcoming address, Dr. Ron Brinitzer, Kunststoffland NRW, will speak on the topic of "Building and energy requirements - a challenge in turbulent times." After presentations by Kerstin Andreae, Chief Executive of BDEW-Bundesverband Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V., on the "Future of Energy Supply in Germany" and by Michael Harms, Managing Director of Ost-Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft e.V., on the "Reconstruction of Infrastructure in Ukraine", there will be a panel discussion on the topic: "In the Time of Transformation - What Does It Mean for Business, Politics and Society". "Political aspects in the circular economy" will be highlighted by Bundestag member Michael Thews (SPD), and Ingemar Bühler, chief executive of PED, will speak on "Plastics in the circular economy - status quo and potentials for the future." After two more presentations by Konstantin Humm (Recovinyl) on "Monitoring Recyclate Processing" and Christoph Lindner (Conversio Market & Strategy GmbH) on "Material Flow Picture of Plastic Pipes in Germany 2021," the panelists will discuss the topic "What will the Circular Economy of the Future Look Like?" In order to achieve a better understanding regarding the value chain and the disposal chain for plastic pipes in Germany, the KRV and Conversio Market & Strategy GmbH jointly launched a project in January 2023 for analysis and optimization, in the context of which companies from the entire value chain have been surveyed since then.
Kunststoffrohrverband e.V. (KRV) is the trade association of the plastic pipe industry. Its members include producers of plastic pipes and fittings and raw material manufacturers from all over the world.
Further information:

  •, KRV
  • Graphic: © KRV, Material cycle in the plastic pipe industry

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