The alliance of the international consumer goods industry, which reportedly builds on the CGF's 2018 commitment to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation for a New Plastics Economy, is committed to establishing its own rules for "targeted, effective and sustainable action." At its inception in 2020, the Action Alliance had presented four priorities: Redesigning Packaging Design, Developing a Framework for Optimized Programs Regarding Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), Promoting Innovation in Recycling, and Steering New Programs to Modern and Changing Markets to Increase Recycling. The alliance members, which include a number of well-known consumer goods manufacturers and retailers such as Coco-Cola, Nestlé, Unilever, Mars, Walmart, L'Oreal, Rewe and also the Aldi South Group, have now finalized their golden rules with a further seven design specifications for the design of plastic packaging. They are intended to accelerate the move towards the use of fewer and higher-quality plastics and concern the elimination of unnecessary plastic packaging components as well as increasing the recycling of various types of plastic, such as PET, thermoformed packaging, flexible consumer packaging, HDPE (high-density polyethylene) and PP. In addition, unnecessary business-to-business plastic packaging is to be eliminated. Packaging is to be provided with clear recycling instructions to help consumers properly dispose of the packaging. The alliance partners' design rules are reportedly based on guidelines jointly established by experts, retailer design guidelines, recommendations published by advisory bodies, agreements on the use of plastic and country-specific legislation.
More information: www.theconsumergoodsforum.com
- wallstreet-online.com (16.7.2021)
- Photo: © Pixelio / Siepmann